About Us

The Problem

Hundreds of thousands of male cancer survivors worldwide are sterile and unable to bear children. Similarly, there are hundreds of thousands of men with untreatable genetic infertility who are childless. Add to this, war veterans with fertility-impairing injuries and reproductive-aged persons who have undergone sterilizing gender conversion procedures and the at-risk population of men that are sterile easily reaches classic epidemic proportions.

The Solution

We seek to provide a solution for men who want children but who are currently infertile and untreatable. We have the scientific background and expertise, the deep desire, and an abundance of grit to develop human sperm from stem cells in vitro – a feat which to date has not been achieved.

Our Technology

We are creating the next wave of stem cell technology. Our founders gather knowlege in the fields of germ cells, somatic cells, genetics and urology.


665 3rd St #250, San Francisco, CA 94107 United States.

Contact us

[email protected]

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